onsdag 20 april 2011

A little update again

Okay, the stable got stairs on the outside and I DON'T like them! (Pics on the stairs and the parts to the balcony.) But I work on them. Hopefully finished some time after Easter. The two commandos has changed a little bringing more variety to the scene. Also finished my yellow knights, just three horses to finish now. Maybe can take pics of the knights later. Hmm, strange. There's a leg here. And Valter doesn't want his breakfast. Not hungry. Well, hope he's allright.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Uhm, what are these intended for?

  2. The stairs are for the stable I'm working on. Photos when the chimney is added (I think). Progress-photos on the stable is already here somewhere. These are for the "Out Shopping"-dio I planned for the 20th painting competition at Benno's and I'm way after schedule and deadline and whatever. But I'm working. :-D

  3. The 29th competition I hope, the 20th was last year! :D

  4. Planned it for the 20th, then I got stucked. Work is so slow so maybe it's better to try for the 220th. But I've shown too much of this dio here so this will just pop up in the gallery.
